Manila Integrated Cargo Terminal
Shipping Line/Agent Name:
Shipping Line/Agent Address:
Shipping Line/Agent Email:
Shipping Telephone Number:
Shipping Cellphone Number:
Vessel Name:
Request Date:
Incoming Voyage (No.):
Incoming Voyage Date:
Incoming Voyage Time:
Outgoing Voyage (No.):
Outgoing Voyage Date:
Outgoing Voyage Time:
Purpose of Call: DischargingLoadingOthers
Draft (M)
Draft (FWD)
Draft (AFT)
Last Port of Call:
Next Port of Call:
Port of Origin:
Port of Destination:
Services Required: BunkersWaterRepairsOthers
Cargo Classification: GeneralBulkLivestockOthers
Cargo Container:
FCL 10’20’40’Others
LCL 10’20’40’Others
MT 10’20’40’Others
Berthing Preference:
Docking Side Port SideMediterraneanStar Board
Tug Assistance YesNo
Passenger Disembarking YesNo
Cargo Requiring Special Equipment:
List of Cargoes / Dimension (LxWxH)/ Quantity: